Non-text content (1.1.1 – A)

Plain Language Recommendations

Non-text content that is

  • a control or accepts user input;
  • time-based media; and/or
  • non-text content that is intended to create a specific sensory experience

must have a text alternative that provides descriptive identification (so that the user at least knows what the non-text content is and why it is there).


  1. For an image that is used as a submit button, include link text as well as image OR use alt tag.


  1. Text alternatives (i.e., transcripts) are dealt with in a different guideline.
  2. Specific sensory experience e.g., performance of a flute solo.

WCAG 2.0 Recommendations

Guideline 1.1: Text Alternatives

Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.

Last updated: April 27, 2017

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  • Key Terms

    1. Must means do things in the manner described exactly.
    2. Should means do things in the manner described unless there is a good reason not to [i.e., instructor has other needs].
    3. [Supplementary information] is provided in square brackets.